Baxter and I got haircuts today. The groomer said Baxter was the worst dog they've ever had. He was a wiggle worm the entire time. The groomer asked Keith if a previous groomer had given up on him and the answer was yes, her name is Candice. Do you know why I gave up on him? Because he is the worst dog I've ever had.
But he looks like a lovely gentleman...

My stylist said I'm the worst dog they've ever had, too.
Love the new do!
Baxter's ears look huge in that picture. He looks like a bat! But his hair cute sure looks nice!!
Oh and lovely picture of you by the way. you would have done well on drill team.
Cute hair, Candice! I like the layers.
Our cat, Cosmo, was the same way. In fact, they REFUSED to finish him bc he kept biting, thrashing, and attacking. They only got half of him shaved and sent him back! I guess you will have to be the official groomer from now on...OR just take him to a new place every time, and let the poor suckers figure out what a naughty dog he is for themselves...ha ha ha.
What a great haircut! Tell the groomer, "good job!" ;)
you should blog about the cockroach story... I think its pretty funny.
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