Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Yard Clean Up

Last weekend we realized that the pine needles have finished falling for the season and that we were grossly behind on cleaning them up. Instead of filling up over 100 garbage bags (we've come close in the past) Keith rented a UHaul. Our intention was to fill it up quickly, run it to our friend's burn pile, and return the trailer in a couple of hours. It turned into taking over two and a half hours to borrow a wheelbarrow and rent the stupid trailer...HUGE fiasco with UHaul...then 5+ hours to blow off the roof, rake the needles into enormous piles, chase kids, chat with neighbors, load the trailer, drink a Diet Coke, load some more, and repeat. The trailer was OVERFLOWING by the time we were done and we didn't even get close to finishing the flowerbeds. It is was dark by the time Keith finished and it took another hour and a half to dump the needles. My advice? Think twice before buying a home with over 30 trees in the yard.

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